なぜ中国の人々はCCPに立ち向かわないのか?【チャイナ・イン・フォーカス】china in focus Why don’t Chinese people stand up to the CCP?【動画】

Why don’t Chinese people stand up to the CCP?

Now we turn to a question of some viewers they asked “Why don’t Chinese people all stand up and fight?”

“The key words to answer this are fear and the economy, if you ask this question to any Chinese person who has lived through the Chinese communist party’s history of killing in its political or cultural movement, that’s the answer you are most likely to get.”

Wang Dan was a leader of the big pro-democracy student protests in Beijing in 1989.

In a Radio Free Asia interview he said fear is the fundamental reason for Chinese people not fighting back.

In china, any expression of dissatisfaction or protest can lead to suppression by the authorities and even arrest.

One example of the high-handedness of the authorities is the control of speech.

The world already knows that Dr. Li Wen Liang was warned and silenced by police simply because he messaged his circle of friends about the Chinese Communist Party or CCP virus on Chinese messaging platform WeChat. That was because the CCP wanted to cover up the outbreak.

Big brother is watching every single person in that country. Even when you want to buy a kitchen knife in china, you have to be registered for it.

The chips embedded in the ID or citizenship card record every move.The information they give upon being scanned decides whether you can buy a train ticket or not.

And the widely used Sky-Eye Surveillance System enables the police to locate anyone as quickly as in seven minutes.That’s according to a BBC reporter’s field test.

The authorities will also do background checks for education and employment to make sure you haven’t done anything that the government is against.

“If you have, it’s not only you but your family members, your parents, brothers and sisters sons and daughters that will likely become involved and be punished.”

Unless someone has the courage to fight alone against the tyranny of the CCP, most choose to remain silent.


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